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Guju Fentanyl citrate Inj. 2mL

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Active Ingredient/Content

  • Guju Fentanyl citrate Inj. 2mL


  • For analgesic action of short duration during the anesthetic periods, premedication, induction and maint, and in the immediate postoperative period (recovery room) as the need arises. For use as a narcotic analgesic supplement in general or regional anesthesia. For administration with a neuroleptic (eg, droperidol inj) as an anesthetic premedication, for the induction of anesthesia, and as an adjunct in the maintenance of general and regional anesthesia. For use as an anesthetic agent with oxygen in selected high-risk patients (eg, those undergoing open heart surgery, certain complicated neurological/orthopedic procedures).


  • Adults:
  • Individualize dose. Premedication: 50-100mcg IM 30-60 min prior to surgery.
  • Adjunct to General Anesthesia: Low-Dose: Total Dose: 2mcg/kg for minor surgery. Maint: 2mcg/kg.
  • Moderate Dose: Total Dose: 2-20mcg/kg for major surgery. Maint: 2-20mcg/kg or 25-100mcg IM or IV if surgical stress or lightening of analgesia.
  • High-Dose: Total Dose: 20-50mcg/kg for open heart surgery, complicated neurosurgery, or orthopedic surgery. Maint: 20-50mcg/kg. Additional dosage selected must be individualized, especially if the anticipated remaining operative time is short.
  • Adjunct to Regional Anesthesia: 50-100mcg IM or slow IV over 1-2 min. Postop: 50-100mcg IM, repeat q1-2h PRN.
  • General Anesthetic: 50-100mcg/kg with oxygen and a muscle relaxant. Max: 150mcg/kg. Elderly/Debilitated: Reduce dose.

Active Ingredient/Content

  • Guju Fentanyl citrate Inj. 2mL


  • For analgesic action of short duration during the anesthetic periods, premedication, induction and maint, and in the immediate postoperative period (recovery room) as the need arises. For use as a narcotic analgesic supplement in general or regional anesthesia. For administration with a neuroleptic (eg, droperidol inj) as an anesthetic premedication, for the induction of anesthesia, and as an adjunct in the maintenance of general and regional anesthesia. For use as an anesthetic agent with oxygen in selected high-risk patients (eg, those undergoing open heart surgery, certain complicated neurological/orthopedic procedures).


  • Adults:
  • Individualize dose. Premedication: 50-100mcg IM 30-60 min prior to surgery.
  • Adjunct to General Anesthesia: Low-Dose: Total Dose: 2mcg/kg for minor surgery. Maint: 2mcg/kg.
  • Moderate Dose: Total Dose: 2-20mcg/kg for major surgery. Maint: 2-20mcg/kg or 25-100mcg IM or IV if surgical stress or lightening of analgesia.
  • High-Dose: Total Dose: 20-50mcg/kg for open heart surgery, complicated neurosurgery, or orthopedic surgery. Maint: 20-50mcg/kg. Additional dosage selected must be individualized, especially if the anticipated remaining operative time is short.
  • Adjunct to Regional Anesthesia: 50-100mcg IM or slow IV over 1-2 min. Postop: 50-100mcg IM, repeat q1-2h PRN.
  • General Anesthetic: 50-100mcg/kg with oxygen and a muscle relaxant. Max: 150mcg/kg. Elderly/Debilitated: Reduce dose.